Follow Patent Application Rules

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What kind of presentation is acceptable for a US patent application?

Follow Patent Application Rules

One of the ways you can delay receiving an issued patent is by not taking the time to research the application rules of the US Patent and Trademark Office. Since the number of patents filed and managed each year is so vast, these rules help cut down on the typical bureaucracy that often accompanies such government applications. But, you should be prepared for some frustration in the filing of a patent anyway, and in corresponding with the office.

Here is what must be included in your patent application: a written document with a clear description of claims, an oath of declaration, a drawing or drawings if necessary, and all filing, search and applications fees (fees change each October). Your application must be in English and written only on one side of non-shiny, durable, white paper. Each document in the application packet must be of the same size and have at least a two-inch margin at the top and a left side margin of 2.5 inches. The pages must be consecutively numbered and have no holes punched in them. You should use either 1.5 spacing or double spacing. Refrain from creating any type of fancy presentation when filing a patent application; it will not affect the examiner's decision.

If you receive word from the US Patent and Trademark Office that your application is not correct, make sure you respond with the proper corrections in the time frame stated or you might have to start over. You will be informed of your patent application number and filing date via mail. If you submit drawings with your patent, make sure you check the specific rules for filing such documents with the US patent office at



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