Corresponding with the US Patent and Trademark Office

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How do I correspond with the US Patent and Trademark Office?

Corresponding with the US Patent and Trademark Office

When you first enter the world of invention patenting, you should expect some bureaucracy. The number of patents has now reached into the millions. The US Patent and Trademark Office, located in Alexandra, Va, is the best place to get updated and detailed information about how to apply for a patent.

If you follow the rules listed on its website carefully, you will save a tremendous amount of time that can elapse if your patent accidentally gets routed to the wrong place. You should address your patent correspondence to: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. You should include your full address including zip code. If you personally deliver your patent application, it will not get processed differently or sooner so a trip just for this purpose is unnecessary. During the patent process, some mail stops for particular mailed items will be assigned. Make sure you place these mail stop addresses before 'Commissioner of Patents' on your correspondence.

If you send additional correspondence to the office it should include all of the following that applies: patentee, title of invention, application number, patent number, assigned filing date and date of issue. Any papers presented in violation of the rules of the US patent office will simply be denied. Before sending anything via mail to the US Patent and Trademark Office, check its website at for the most updated information.



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