Find a USPTO Registered Attorney or Agent

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What is a registered patent agent or attorney.

Find a USPTO Registered Attorney or Agent

One of the functions of the US Patent and Trademark Office is to govern the conduct and recognize those lawyers and patent agents who can practice before the USPTO. People who do not have the distinction of being registered before the office cannot represent inventors before it. To obtain such a registration, a person has to be of good moral character and a good reputation. He or she must also pass an examination. But, also critical, is the fact that these persons must prove they have the specific legal, scientific and technical qualities to properly enter the field of patent law.

If you choose to hire a patent lawyer or agent, you should make sure they are registered with the USPTO. They can then help you do an adequate patent search as well as write your patent application in such a way as to offer you the most protection for your invention. This is truly a unique and specific skill. If some information or description is missing, you may open yourself up to business or legal trouble, or your patent may simply be denied on the merits of the application. Registered patent attorneys and agents can prepare an application for a patent and conduct prosecution in the USPTO.

But agents cannot perform patent litigation, practice law or draw up a license if their state considers that practicing law. Remember, patent law is a complicated field of study; you can't just read a few books or search a few websites to grasp all the technicalities involved so hiring someone who proves they know the ins and outs of the US patent office will be money well spent.



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