
What are the 10 most famous inventions?

Le 10 invenzioni più famose

La Lampadina
Anche se pensiamo di Thomas Edison, l'inventore della lampadina, la lampadina non iniziare o terminare con il suo contributo. Il primo brevetto per una lampadina è stata ottenuta da Henry Woodward e Matthew Evans. Nel 1879, Thomas Edison ha acquistato il brevetto e migliorato la lampadina con la sua invenzione di un filamento di carbonio. Che il filamento è durato per 40 ore, ma per il momento in Edison è stato fatto aveva un filamento che potrebbe durare per 1200 ore. Più tardi il miglioramento della lampadina ci ha dato le lampadine che non vanno al nero e il filamento di tungsteno.

La Printing Press
La stampa viene accreditato cambiando tutta la civiltà occidentale dopo essere stato inventato da Johannes Gutenberg nel 15 ° secolo. Rendendo la Bibbia più ampiamente disponibile, questa invenzione indebolito l'autorità centrale delle chiese di stato promosso e portato alla Riforma. Non molte persone rendono conto che questa invenzione famosa fu probabilmente inventato parecchi secoli prima in Cina. Probabilmente perché le lingue orientali contengono caratteri significativamente più lingue occidentali, l'impatto di tipo mobile non è stato così grande in Cina.

Il Computer
Molte idee invenzione hanno contribuito al computer moderni. Già nel 17 ° secolo, gli scienziati stavano costruendo macchine che potrebbero fare equazioni matematiche di base. I computer di oggi può fare tutto da inviandoci alla luna per noi giocando a scacchi. I computer e gli apparecchi informatici passati da fantascienza ad essere una necessità della vita moderna. Essi continuano ad essere migliorato e reso più utile.

La Bicicletta
Biciclette rimangono le modalità più efficienti di trasporto disponibile. Ci sono attualmente oltre un miliardo di biciclette ad uso nel mondo, come giocattoli per bambini, attrezzature sportive e mezzo di viaggio. La tecnologia che è andato in bicicletta all'inizio è stato utilizzato come base per le innovazioni più tardi in automobile e l'aeroplano. uso delle donne della bicicletta nel tardo 19 ° secolo ha portato alla popolarità di mutandoni, della mobilità complessiva maggiore di donne e movimento delle donne.

Nel 19 ° secolo, la maggior parte la gente avrebbe ritenuto impossibile che qualcosa più pesante dell'aria poteva volare. Eppure ogni giorno, grandi gruppi di persone volare in aereo pesante su periodi di tempo fino a quindici ore. Come la maggior parte nuove invenzioni, l'aereo è il culmine del lavoro di molti inventori e invenzioni varie. Sir George Cayley tra il 1799 e il 1809 è accreditato di essere il primo ad avere l'idea di tenere ancora le ali e di utilizzare eliche per i propulsori. I fratelli Wright, Wilbur e Orville, furono i primi inventori di costruire un aeroplano di lavoro nel 1903.

Il Telefono
E ancora non è del tutto chiaro se Elisha Gray o Alexander Graham Bell ha inventato il primo telefono. I due inventori domanda per i brevetti nello stesso giorno. Hanno combattuto legalmente il brevetto, ma Bell alla fine ha vinto fuori. La sua invenzione è stato ispirato dal suo amore per la musica e finanziato dal padre-in-law, che era interessato a rompere il monopolio detenuto dalla società telegrafo. Bell famose parole prima sul suo primo telefono di successo sono stati al suo assistente. Egli disse:

L'automobile è un punto di arrivo di migliaia di idee e di brevetti a partire con i piani di rudimentali di Leonardo da Vinci e Isaac Newton. Prima che il moderno motore a benzina è stata fatta comune, motori a vapore e motori elettrici sono stati sperimentati. Non è stato fino al 1885 che la prima automobile pratico è stato inventato da Karl Benz. I francesi furono i primi a produrre un veicolo completo motore con motore e telaio, ma non è stato fino a quando Henry Ford ha snellito il processo di produzione di autovetture nel 1913 che la proprietà di auto è diventato alla portata di molte persone.

La Steam Engine
La macchina a vapore è stata l'idea più importante invenzione della rivoluzione industriale. Meccanicamente la produzione di energia da vapore, di fatto sostituito l'acqua tradizionali e potenza muscolare.

Invenzione Frequently Asked Questions

Who invented the disposable diaper?

Who invented Liquid Paper?

Who was Dr. Gracey Murray Hopper?

Who invented the bra?

Who invented Kevlar?

Which movie star also became a famous woman inventor?

How did an accident lead to the invention of Scotchgard?

Who was the most prolific of all 20th century women inventors?

Which popular treat did the woman inventor Ruth Wakefield discover?

What 12-year old female inventor developed a software program to help non-speaking individuals communicate?

Who are the women inventors who developed the Snugli® baby carrier?

Which of the famous black inventors developed the electret microphone?

How did the black inventor Valerie Thomas enhance space exploration?

Which black inventor came up with the idea for the Super Soaker?

What is the most significant contribution of African American inventor Patricia Bath?

Which black inventor developed Lingo programming?

Which famous black inventor created the world's fastest computer?

Which African-American inventor was instrumental in developing the PC?

Which black inventor contributed to the inventions of Call Waiting and Caller ID?

Which of the famous African American inventors invented 3-D glasses?

What is black inventor Dr. Betty Harris best known for inventing?

How did George Washington Carver earn a special place among the famous black inventors?

Where is an ideal place to exhibit my invention?

How should I decorate my booth at an Invention trade show?

How do I keep up my energy at tradeshow exhibits?

How can I prepare to present my invention at an invention trade show?

How can I keep track of all the contacts I make at a tradeshow?

Should I work with an invention services company?

What information should I request before working with an inventor services firm?

What is a virtual prototype?

Why would an independent inventor choose to work with an invention company?

Why do invention services charge fees?

Should I use digital or film format to photograph my invention prototype or model?

Should I take a picture of my invention indoors or outdoors?

What kind of backdrop should I use when photographing an invention model or prototype?

How can I take a great photograph of my invention prototype or model?

How many pictures should I take of my invention prototype or model?

How can I make sure the camera remains still for my invention prototype photographs?

What should I check for before photographing my invention prototype?

How long should my invention prototype video be?

What should I focus on when filming invention prototypes?

What aspects of my invention are important to describe in a prototype video?

What is the best way to film my invention prototype?

What are some preliminary considerations for shooting an invention prototype video?

What is the best format for recording videos of invention prototypes?

Who should do the talking in my invention prototype video?

How do I prepare to shoot videos of invention prototypes?

How can I ensure that I capture the entire shot of my invention prototype?

Should I use a tripod for videotaping invention prototypes?

Should I use the zoom feature when filming invention prototypes?

What type of lighting is ideal for shooting invention prototype videos?

What background qualities should I check while making videos of invention prototypes?

How can different camera angles help my invention prototype video?

Is there one best way to make my invention a success?

What is an invention?

What is a non-disclosure agreement?

What is a patent?

What is the difference between a design patent and a utility patent?

How can I add credibility and personality to my invention?

What is the Small Business Development Center (SBDC)?

What should I do before pursuing my new product idea?

What information should I gather about my new product idea?

What general points are important to cover in a basic information report?

What relevant market info should I include in a basic information report for my invention?

What is a patentability search and opinion for new product ideas?

Should I consider listing my new product idea on Internet Web sites?

How should I document my new invention ideas?

What is the correct procedure for dating an invention log?

How should I begin creating a written account of my ideas?

How specific should I be when documenting my invention ideas?

Should I have witnesses sign my inventor's log or journal?

Should I record any failures that occur during the invention process?

How do I make corrections when documenting my invention idea?

How can I make a good first impression at an invention trade show?

What should I do when I get home from an invention trade show?

What should I do if someone doesn't like my invention?

How can I improve my invention trade show booth?

Where should I set up at an invention trade show?

What can I do to feel more confident at an invention trade show?

Does having a patent mean that the government will seek out people who steal my idea?

Is patenting expensive?

When should I file a joint patent application?

What is a good resource for me if I'm trying to patent my inventions by myself?

What is the most important invention service for me to pay for?

How do I find a patent services company?

Should I hire someone to help me with licenses?

What should I ask when I talk to references for invention services companies?

How can I make the submission process easier?

What other benefits are there of signing up with an invention services company?

When should I start looking for help from inventors services?

Can the USPTO advertise my patent?

How can I get funding for my new inventions?

How can I get the most from my invention services company?

Who invented television?

What was the popsicle first called?

Who invented braille?

Who is the youngest woman inventor to receive a U.S. patent?

What patent did six-year-old Robert Patch receive in 1963?

Who invented earmuffs?

What are the 10 most famous inventions?

Who invented the windshield wiper?

Who invented blood banks?

Who was the first black woman to own a patent?

How can I build a prototype cheaple?

What do manufacturers look for in an invention prototype?

Is it ok to leave my invention prototype with a company for review?

How can I show my invention if it is too large to move easily?

When should I start building my invention prototype?

What should I do to prepare to make my invention prototype?

Should I hire a professional prototyper?

What should I always keep in mind when creating a new invention?

How can I find other inventors to network with?

Can you direct me to a cheap place for inventio help?

How can I be ready when new invention ideas come to me?

What is another way to make money from inventions?

Are there resources for kid inventors?

What should I look for when I am researching the market for my invention?

What is intellectual property?

How do you protect intellectual property?

When is intellectual property licensing a good option?

How much does an intellectual property attorney cost?

Will mailing myself a registered letter establish my intellectual property rights?

What is the importance of Intellectual Property Management?

How can I fund my new product introduction?

How can infringement be turned into a positive?

Why is intellectual property valuation important?

What is a new product development market search?

What is a market analysis?

How can I turn my new products inventions to reality?

How do you develop new product manufacturing costs?

What does a new products inventions evaluation provide?

How can customers help to launch new product ideas?

What is the new product technology – nanotechnology?

What does Open Source mean?

What business assets can I protect as a trade secret?

How can I fund my new product introduction?

How do you come up with an idea to invent?

What is an important invention?

How did Thomas Edison, invention wizard, accomplish so much?

What are some 1960s inventions?

What are some contributions of the Black inventor?

What is the significance of the invention of the car?

How can inventors and inventions gain in fame?

Can an invention be a process?

Do inventions have to be totally new or can they be improvements?

Where can I submit invention ideas for awards?

How can I avoid getting burned by invention services companies?

What are some good online resources for inventors?

Is hiring an invention licensing company a good idea?

What is the Licensing International Trade Show?

How do you know if an invention services firm is legitimate and successful?

Who can I call to check up on invention submission companies?

How can I increase the odds my invention will make it?

What do you think about when preparing a licensing plan?

How will a non-disclosure agreement protect my invention?

Are some new inventions too simple to be worthwhile?

Who is the mother of invention?

What kind of royalties on inventions can an inventor expect to earn?

Where can I find support while working on my latest invention?

Where can I find an archive of strange inventions or weird inventions?

What is a patent pool?

Is attending trade shows helpful?

Where do people do their best creative invention thinking?

What is patent infringement?

How does a provisional patent application work?

What are the types of invention patents?

What’s the difference between a patent lawyer and a patent agent?

What is my next step when I’ve done a patent search and found nothing?

Can more than one intellectual property protections be used simultaneously?

Does an International patent exist?

What is patent insurance?

Should I put my patent number on my product?

Are there any drawbacks to obtaining a patent?

Can a patent be sold?

Can I file my own patent application?

How does prior art affect obtaining an invention patent?

How do you apply for a patent?

Why are some products marked ‘patent pending'?

Is it necessary to file for a new patent when product enhancements have been made?

What do you do if you receive an office action from the USPTO?

How do you keep yourself ahead of the competition?

Can children become inventors?

Who is Inspector Gadget?

How can I give my students a first had experience with inventing?

What’s a good kid invention project for a classroom activity?

How can I channel my kid invention maker?

How can I get my students to open up to inventing?

How can I teach invention in my classroom?

What are some interesting kid science experiments?

Children’s natural instinct to brainstorm and create should be nurtured by parents and teachers alike. Coming up with new product ideas and inventions is a great way to instill a love of science, math, marketing and the entrepreneurial spirit. It also teaches cooperation and instill tremendous conf

What benefits will a virtual prototype provide?

Are there any advantages to making a physical prptotype?

How do you hire a prototype maker?

Can I save money on invention presentation materials?

What are the uses of invention prototypes?

How functional does an invention prototype need to be?

How are invention prototypes made?

Can I use my prototype to test the market?

What is rapid prototyping?

Can I conduct my own patent search?

What are the advantages of hiring a pro to conduct a US patent search?

What does a patent search report include?

How do you do a patent number search?

What is a business method patent?

What is the Boolean Method for searching patent information?

Why search by patent number?

How do you patent search by classifications?

Can a patent search be used to find competitive intelligence?

Can you patent the color, texture or smell of an invention?

What is the Invention Documentation Service of the US Patent Office?

What is the role of the Patent Office?

Do you have to maintain a patent?

What’s a good strategy for writing patent claims?

When were the earliest patent protections given?

Can I contact the US Trade and Patent Office with patent database questions?

What is patent prosecution?

What is the professional experience of a patent examiner?

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Jennifer Mathes, Ph.D.